Game maker 1.8
Game maker 1.8

game maker 1.8 game maker 1.8

Step 20: Click file on the main toolbar go down to file save as and save it called wall and as a PNG file and make sure its saved in a memorable location such as desktop. Step 19: Now we need to re-size the image, first go to image on the main toolbar then go down to image size, now make sure the constrain proportions is ticked and change the width and height to 32×32 pixels then press ok Step 18: With the triangles still selected go to edit on the main tool bar then go down to fill and use the foreground colour again and then press ok. Step 17: Now click on the magic wand which is the 4 th one down above crop on the left or press W, once you have selected the tool click on the top triangle and hold down shift and click the bottom to add to the selection, now click foreground colour and change it to a lighter shade of grey. Step 16: Next you need to combine all of your layers, so click and hold Ctrl then click on layer 1, layer 1 copy and layer 2 the press copy and press Ctrl and E. Step 15: Click edit on the main toolbar then go down to fill then choose foreground colour and click ok. Step 14: Now select the background layer and create a new layer on top then click on foreground colour and change B: to 50% then click ok. Step 13: Now select your new layer called layer 1 copy then go to edit on the main tool bar, go down to transform then select flip horizontal, Then it should look like this in the screenshot below. Step 12: Now you should have a solid brush line, now right click and go down to delete path now go across to layer right click on the layer and then click duplicate layer. Step 11: select the pen tool again then right click the line going from the top left to the bottom right we created before then go down and click on Stroke path then a small box should come up make sure brush is selected from the tools menu and untick simulate pressure. Step 10: Now Click you wanna change the brush size to 3 and hardness to 100% like in the screenshot below. Step 9: Now select the brush tool on the left hand side it is the 8 th one down above the clone stamp tool or you can press ‘B’.

game maker 1.8

Step 8: Then make sure your foreground colour is set to black by click the black square on the hand side. Step 7: Once you have the pen tool selected click the top left corner and click the bottom right corner on your new layer.

game maker 1.8

Step 6: Now you need to select the pen tool which is the 15 th down on the left Hand side above the big T or you can press P. Step 5: Next you want to go layers there should be 7 Icons on the bottom of the layers grid, click the 6 th one along which is create a new layer. Step 4: Then you need to expand your canvas space slightly the way you do this is click on the bottom corner of grid and drag it out a bit so you can see blue around the edges like in the screenshot below, Your edge may not be blue it may be default grey Step 3: Click and hold Ctrl and the press (‘) then an 8×8 square should come over your document. Step 2: Make the width and height to 512×512 pixels then click Ok. case states.Step 1: First off open Photoshop Click File > New.

Game maker 1.8